余立棠/Li-Tang Yu  副教授兼系主任

 /Li-Tang Yu 副教授兼系主任

E-mailltyu(a)mx.nthu.edu.tw *電子郵件中的 @ 標示已由 (a) 所取代來防止電子郵件機器人
研究室推廣教育大樓 9613室
最高學歷:Phd. in Foreign Language Education, The University of Texas at Austin

  1132 Office Hour13:30-15:30 (Wed.) 


德州大學奧斯汀校區 (University of Texas, Austin) 外語教育所博士 











  • Yu, L. T. (ed.) (2022). English teaching and learning in the digital age. Taipei, Taiwan: Tung Hua Book Co. ISBN:978-986-5522-99-5
  • Yu, L. T. (2022). A comparison of the autonomous use of technology for language learning for EFL university students of different proficiency levels. Sustainability, 15(1), 606. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15010606
  • Yu, L. T. (2022). The effect of videoconferencing on second-language learning: A meta-analysis. Behavioral Sciences, 12(6), 169. https://doi.org/10.3390/bs12060169
  • Yu, L. T., Chen, M. C., Chiu, C. W., Hsu, C. C., & Yuan, Y. P. (2022). Examining English ability-grouping practices by aligning CEFR levels with university-level General English Courses in Taiwan. Sustainability14(8), 4629. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14084629
  • Yu, L. T., Tseng, L. M. I., Wei, S. W. C., & Su, W. L. (2020). EMI trainers’ reflection on a Taiwanese EFL university teacher learning community: Challenges and recommendations. Taiwan International ESP Journal, 11(2), 71-88.  
  • Yu, L. T., Song, J., & Chiu, F. Y. (2020). Using a three-dimension virtual world to reduce language anxiety and enhance English-speaking performance of EFL university learners: A collaborative project. Taiwan Journal of TESOL, 17(2), 65-89.
  • Yu, L. T. & Tseng, L. M. I. (2020). A study on English-learning beliefs of overseas undergraduates in Taiwan. The Journal of AsiaTEFL, 17(3), 1048-1056.
  • Yu, L. T. (2019). Computer-mediated communication in English teaching and learning: Research and practice. Taipei, Taiwan: Tung Hua Book Co. ISBN: 978-957-483-969-8
  • Yu, L. T. (2017). Adopting electronic annotations in online collaborative reading activities of Taiwanese elementary-aged learners of English. International Journal on Digital Learning Technology, 9(4), 53-79.
  • Vogler, J. S., Schallert, D. L., Jordan, M. E., Song, K., Sanders, A. J. Z., Chiang, Y.-H., Lee, J.-E., Park, J. H., & Yu, L. T. (2017). Life history of a topic in an online discussion: A complex systems theory perspective on how one message attracts class members to create meaning collaboratively. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 12(2), 173-194.
  • Yu, L. T., Schallert, D. L., Park, J. B., Williams, K. M., Seo, E., Sanders, A. J., Williamson, Z. H., Choi, E., Gaines, R., & Knox, M. C. (2016). When students want to stand out: Discourse moves in online classroom discussion that reflect students’ needs for distinctiveness. Computers in Human Behavior, 58, 1-11.
  • Choi, E, Gaines, R., Park, J., Williams, K. M., Schallert, D. L., Yu, L. T., & Lee, J. (2016). Small stories in online classroom discussion as resources for preservice teachers’ making sense of becoming a bilingual educator. Teaching and Teacher Education, 58, 1-16.
  • Park, J. H., Schallert, D. L., Sanders, A. K. Z., Williams, K. M., Seo, E., Yu, L. T., Vogler, J. S., Song, K., Williamson, Z. H., & Knox, M. C. (2015). Does it matter if the teacher is there?: A teacher’s contribution to emerging patterns of interactions in online classroom discussions. Computers & Education, 82, 315-328.



