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期刊論文 (含研討會論文集)
Wu, Jui-Chun & Jui-Chuan Yeh. 2011. 客家話「好」的言談語用功能. In Raung-fu Chung et al. (eds.) Diversity of Languages: Papers in Honor of Professor Feng-fu Tsao on the occasion of his retirement (語言多樣性-曹逢甫教授榮退論文集). 421-440. Taipei: Crane Publishing Company. ISBN: 978-986-147-519-6 (客委會計劃編號100-C14)
Yeh, Jui-Chuan, Jui-Chun Wu & Han-Chun Huang. 2010. 論客家話「好X」格式的語法化和主觀化. In The Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Taiwanese Languages and Teaching. 198-215. Miaoli: National United University. (客委會計劃編號99-C14)
Lin, Li-Chin & Jui-Chun Wu. 2006. The effect of syllabication on English on English vocabulary teaching to Chinese students. In New Aspect of English Language Teaching and Learning. 190-200. Taipei: Crane Publishing Company.
Wu, Jui-Chun & Yuh-Huey Lin. 2003. Chinese EFL children’s acquisition and use of English pronouns. In The Proceedings of 2003 International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the Republic of China. 221-234. Tai-Chung: Department of English Language, Literature, and Linguistics, Providence University.
Wu, Jui-Chun & Yuh-Huey Lin. 2003. The role of age and proficiency in EFL pronominal use. In The Proceedings of 2003 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL and Applied Linguistics. 446-456. Taipei: Crane Publishing Company.
Wang, H. S. & Jui-Chun Wu. 2001. The effect of vowel duration on the perception of postvocalic voiced/voiceless consonants. Concentric—Studies in English Literature and Linguistics, 27: 35-51. Taipei: Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University.
Wu, Jui-Chun. 2000. Chinese speakers’ oral expression of English third person singular pronouns. In Selected Papers from the Ninth International Symposium on English Teaching. 541-47. Taipei: Crane Publishing Company.
Wu, Jui-Chun. 2000. 台灣地區客語與國語語碼轉換現象初探. In Zheng-Sheng, Zhang (ed.) Proceedings of the 12th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. Vol. 2, 155-66. GSIL Publications. University of Southern California.
Lin,Yuh-Huey & Jui-Chun Wu 1998. A comparative study on diphthongs produced by speakers of the three major dialects in Taiwan. In Eric Zee and Lin Maocan (eds.) Proceedings of the Conference on Phonetics of the Languages in China. 73-76.City University of Hong Kong.
Wu, Jui-Chun 2011. 客語「抱怨」的語言行為研究. Paper presented at the 61th Annual Conference of Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan, October 29-30. 松山大學. 日本愛媛縣. (NSC 98-2410-H-134-020)
Yeh, Jui-Chuan, Jui-Chun Wu & Han-Chun Huang. 2010a. 論客家話「好X」格式的語法化和主觀化. Paper presented at the 8th International Symposium on Taiwanese Languages and Teaching. October 15-16. National United University, Miaoli, Taiwan. (客委會計劃編號 99-C14)
Wu, Jui-Chun & Yu-Qian Chang. 2010b. The comparison of the usages of personal pronouns in Mandarin and Hakka. Paper presented at the 2010 International Conference on Applied Linguistics. November 26-27. National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Taiwan.
Wu, Jui-Chun & Yu-Qian Chang. 2009a. An empirical study of pronominal use in Hakka. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, December 5-6. Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan.
Wu, Jui-Chun & Yu-Qian Chang. 2009b. 現代漢語人稱指示詞和社會指示詞的用法及功能. Paper presented at the 59th Annual Conference of Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan, October 24-25. University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan.
Wu, Jui-Chun & Yu-Qian Chang. 2009c. The usages of deixis in Mandarin Chinese. Paper presented at the Third International Free Linguistics Conference, October 10-11. University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
Wu, Jui-Chun. 2007. The idiom comprehension strategies of L2 adult learners of English. Paper presented at the Language and Nationhood: Discourse Across Cultures and Discipline, May 15-17. University of Kebangsaan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Lin, Li-Chin & Jui-Chun Wu. 2006. The effect of syllabication on English vocabulary teaching to Chinese students. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on English Language Teaching, Yuanpei University of Science and Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Lin, Yuh-Huey & Jui-Chun Wu. 2005. The acquisition and use of English pronouns—L1 vs. L2. Paper accepted by AILA 2005 (The 14th World Congress of Applied Linguistics). July 24-29, 2005, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Wu, Jui-Chun. 2005. The effects of language proficiency in EFL pronominal use. Paper presented at the First International Conference on English Language Teaching, May 21, Yuanpei University of Science and Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Wu, Jui-Chun & Yuh-Huey Lin. 2005. Gender difference in EFL pronominal use. Paper presented at the 17th Symposium of Theoretical & Applied Linguistics, April 15-17, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Wu, Jui-Chun. 2004. The significance of task formality in EFL pronominal use. Paper presented at the ELLAK International Conference, June 15-18, Academy of Korean Studies, Korea.
Tsao, Feng-Fu & Jui-Chun Wu. 2004. Proficiency differences in Chinese EFL pronominal use. Paper accepted by the Fifth Pan-Asian Conference on Language Teaching, June 24-27, Vladivostok, Russia.
Tsao, Feng-Fu, Yuh-Huey Lin & Jui-Chun Wu. 2003. A socio-pragmatic approach to EFL Q-&-A responses. Paper presented at the 8th International Pragmatics Conference, July 14-18, University of Toronto, Canada.
Wu, Jui-Chun & Yuh-Huey Lin. 2003. Chinese EFL children’s acquisition and use of English pronouns. Paper accepted by the 2003 International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the Republic of China. May 17-18, Providence University, Tai-Chung, Taiwan. (Conference canceled)
Wu, Jui-Chun & Yuh-Huey Lin. 2003. The role of age and proficiency in EFL pronominal use. Paper presented at the 2003 International Conference of Applied English, Ming Chuan University, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan.
Wu, Jui-Chun. 2002. The duration of VOT in Hakka and Mandarin consonants. Paper presented at the 11th International Association of Chinese Linguistics. Aichi Prefectural University, Japan.
Tsao, Feng-Fu, Yuh-Huey Lin & Jui-Chun Wu. 2002. Chinese speakers’ acquisition and use of English pronouns. Paper presented at the 27th Conference of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia. Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
Wu, Jui-Chun. 2001. The use of English personal pronouns by Chinese students--The comparison of written and oral style. Paper presented at the 10th International Symposium on English Teaching. Chien Tan Overseas Youth Activity Center, Taipei, R.O.C.
Wu, Jui-Chun. 2001. The study of code-switching between Hakka and Mandarin in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 10th International Association of Chinese Linguistics. University of California, Irvine, U.S.A.
Wu, Jui-Chun. 2000. Chinese speakers’ oral expression of English third person singular pronouns. Paper presented at the 9th International Symposium on English Teaching. Chien Tan Overseas Youth Activity Center, Taipei, R.O.C.
Wu, Jui-Chun. 2000. The study of code-switching between Hakka and Mandarin in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 12th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. San Diego State University, U.S.A.
Wang, H. S. & Jui-Chun Wu (Presenter), 1999. The effect of vowel duration on the perception of postvocalic voiced/voiceless consonants. Paper presented at the 8th International Symposium on English Teaching. National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, R.O.C.
Lin,Yuh-Huey & Jui-Chun Wu (Presenter) 1998. A comparative study on diphthongs produced by speakers of the three major dialects in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 1st Conference on Phonetics of the Languages in China. City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
2011 客語「好」的言談語用功能.政院客家委員會補助,編號100-C14(02/01/2011~11/30/2011) 主持人
2010 客語中與「好」相關的格式初探. 行政院客家委員會補助,編號99-C14 (02/01/2010~11/30/2010) 共同主持人
2009-10 The Speech Act of Complaining in Hakka《客語「抱怨」語言行為之研究》行政院國家科學委員會補助. NSC 98-2410-H-134-020(08/01/2009~07/31/2010) 主持人
2012/5 苗栗縣101年度國小英語成果發表讀者劇場組評審委員
2012/5 交通大學客家文化學院《客家研究》論文審查委員
2012/3 桃園縣101年度英語比賽 高年級組說故事比賽 評審委員
2012/3 桃園縣東勢國小 桃竹苗輔導區英語語音教學研習 講師
2012/3 桃園縣大成國小 桃竹苗輔導區英語語音教學研習 講師
2012/2 大學入學考試101學年度學科能力測驗 英語科閱卷委員
2012/1 2012 TCU Conference on Literature, Linguistics, and English for Specific Purposes 論文審查委員
2011/11 教育部補助100年度英語教學強化模組試辦計畫(苗栗縣文峰國小)講師
2011/6 《新竹教育大學人文社會學報》論文審查委員
2011/5 新竹市100年度建置英語情境學用場域領航計畫—大學生英語志工培訓課程 指導老師
2011/5 苗栗縣100年度國小英語成果發表律動歌謠組評審委員
2011/3 桃園縣100年度英語比賽 高年級組說故事比賽 評審委員
2011/1 2011英語文教育國際研討會:傳承與創新 論文審查委員
2010/11 第十一屆全國語言學論文研討會論文審查委員
2010/6 第三屆兒童英語教學研討會召集人
2010/3 桃園縣99年度英語比賽 高年級組說故事比賽 評審委員
2009/8 2009台灣教育學術研討會 論文審查委員
2009/7 97學年度鼓勵本國英語教師至偏遠地區或英語師資缺乏國民中小學服務實施計劃—英語教學20學分班 授課教師
2009/6 《屏東教育大學學報》論文審查委員
2009/5 高級中等以下學校及幼稚園教師英語研習活動—全民英檢中級研習班授課教師
2009/3 桃園縣98年度英語比賽 高年級組說故事比賽 評審委員
2008 2008 第一屆語言教學暨語言學研討會 召集人
2007 玄奘大學全校大一基礎英文 召集人
2005 《玄奘人文學報》論文審查委員
2005 新竹市國民小學九十四學年度英語教育實施方案評選委員會 委員
2004 新竹市國民小學九十三學年度英語教育實施方案評選委員會 委員
2001 2001全國語言學論文研討會 籌備委員