鄧宜菁/Yi-Ching Teng  副教授


E-mail: ycteng(a)mx.nthu.edu.tw   *電子郵件中的 @ 標示已由 (a) 所取代來防止電子郵件機器人   
研究室推廣教育大樓 9612室
研究領域與專長十九世紀英國文學、王爾德、文學與繪畫、文學批評與理論、警探小說(roman policier)
1132 Office hours:15:20 - 17:10, Thur.


鄧宜菁 (2019)〈羞恥的(偽)貌:王爾德的《深淵書簡》〉。《中央大學人文學報》第六十七期(National Central University Journal of Humanities Vol. 67   Spring/2019)。桃園市:國立中央大學,中華民國108年10月,頁159-208。
宜菁 (2012)。〈倫敦台北杜連魁的生與死〉。《中外文學(THCI Core)(MLA Directory of Piriodicals)第四十一卷第三期,總438 (Vol.41No.3 September 2012)台北市:台灣大學外國語文學系,中華民國1019117-58
鄧宜菁 (2012)。〈話中有「畫」:王爾德與惠斯勒的美學論戰〉。《外國語文研究》第十六期。台北市:政治大學外國語文學院,20120645-72
Teng, Yiching(2005/2009), “Le Faux, ‘représentation parfaite’ dans The Portrait of Mr. W. H. d’Oscar Wilde.” Cycnos (Nice, France: Nice-Sophia Antipolis University Press), vol. 20, n°2, 2005, pp.119-135 (MLA International Bibliography, Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory) (reprinted in Rue des Beaux Arts, n°22: Septembre / Octobre, 2009).


鄧宜菁 (2013)。〈廣垠之體希望滿載」:湯瑪斯曼《威尼斯之死》中的海與景〉。2013海洋文化國際學術研討會會後論文集(ISBN: 978-986-04-0317-6)。主編:周照仁。國立高雄海洋科技大學20131255-70
Teng, Yiching (2013). “(Re-)constructing “Personality”: The Aesthetic Vocabulary of Subjectivation in Oscar Wilde.” Victorian Vocabularies: Refereed Proceedings of the 2012 Australasian Victorian Studies Association Conference (ISBN: 978-0-9871611-2-3). Macquarie Lighthouse E-book Publishing, 2013. pp. 78-97.
鄧宜菁 (2009)。〈象徵與印象之間:王爾德的《莎樂美》〉。《19世紀歐洲文學的濫觴與流變/The Origin and Evolution of 19th Century European Literature》。台北市 : 國立政治大學歐洲文化研究中心20091073-94(國科會計畫編號:96-2411-H-231-005-)
Teng, Yiching (2003). Oscar Wilde et la peinture (doctoral dissertation). Nice, France:   Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, November 2003, 431p.


Teng, Yi-Ching (2016). Return to the Unknown: The Exploration of the Impossible in The English Patient of Michael Ondaatje”. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the English and American Literature Association in Taiwan Backwards Glances: History, Time, Memory. Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. October 29, 2016. pp. 1-15.
Teng, Yi-Ching (2015). “The (pseudo) Visages of Shame: Oscar Wilde’s De Profundis”. Paper presented at the Australasian Victorian Studies Association 2015 Conference: The Victorians and Memory. The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. February 2-5, 2015. pp. 1-22.
Teng, Yi-Ching (2014). ‘Walking in the Dark: Flâneurs in The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’. Paper presented at the 2014 Australasian Victorian Studies Association Annual Conference: Victorian Transport. The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, July 10-14, 2014. pp. 1-20.
鄧宜菁 (2013)。〈廣垠之體希望滿載」:湯瑪斯曼《威尼斯之死》中的海與景〉。2013海洋文化國際學術研討會20131017-18國立高雄海洋科技大學1-12
鄧宜菁 (2013)。〈蝴蝶映影惠斯勒《文雅的樹敵藝術》中的自我書寫與作者形〉。《2013慈濟大學第四屆文學、語言學暨專業英語(ESP)學術研討會201354慈濟大學英美語文學系會議論文手冊136-153(國科會畫編號:NSC 101-2410-H-134 -051–)
Teng, Yi-Ching (2012). ‘(Re-)constructing “Personality”: Aesthetic Vocabulary of Subjectivation in Oscar Wilde’s “Critic as Artist” and “The Soul of Man”’. Paper presented at the Australasian Victorian Studies Association 2012 Conference: Victorian Vocabularies. Brisbane, Australia. April 12-14, 2012. pp. 1-25
Teng, Yi-Ching (2011). “Self-Writing and the Arts of the Self: A Reappraisal of the Wildean Artist/Critic through Michel Foucault”. Paper presented at the International Association For Philosophy and Literature 35th Annual Conference (IAPL) - <EAST | WEST> deterritorialization-negotiation-glocalization. National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. May 23-29, 2011, pp. 1-23. (國科會計畫編號:NSC 98-2410-H-134-023-)
Teng, Yi-Ching (2010). “The Art of Shadows: the Problematics of Authorial Figures in Vladimir Nabokov’s Pale Fire”. Paper presented at the 2010-American Studies Association of Turkey (ASAT)-34th International American Studies Conference. Alanya, Turkey. November 3-5, 2010, pp. 1-17. (國科會補助出席國際會議)
鄧宜菁 (2010)。〈倫敦‧台北:杜連魁的生與死〉。《第四屆「文學傳播與接受」國際學術研討會2010326-27國立東華大學中國語文學系3-21-23
Teng, Yi-Ching (2009). Teaching (Foreign) Literature: Theory or Intuition? Paper presented at the 2009 4th International Conference on Foreign Literature Teaching. Selected Papers from the 2009 4th International Conference on Foreign Literature Teaching (Asia University, Taiwan. May 22, 2009), pp. 42-53.
鄧宜菁 (2008)。〈象徵與印象之間:王爾德的《莎樂美》〉。《19世紀歐洲文學的濫觴與流變研討會》(國立政治大學歐洲文化研究中心/國立政治大學歐洲語文學程)(20081122),Session Two-11-23
鄧宜菁 (2008)。〈批評與藝術:王爾德與惠斯勒的美學論戰文學與視覺藝術:第十六屆全國英美文學學術研討會》(國立宜蘭大學外國語文學系,20081025),文學與視覺藝術論文集,118-133
鄧宜菁 (2006)。〈羞恥的樣貌:王爾德的《獄中信》〉。《再探十九世紀:世界、身體、文本–中華民國英美文學學會第十四屆年會暨國際學術研討會》(國立成功大學外國語文學系,200611 25日),3C-21-27


計畫名稱Butterflies in Reflections: Self-Writing and the Authorial Figure(s) in James Whistler’s The Gentle Art of Making Enemies蝴蝶映影惠斯勒《文雅的樹敵藝術》中的自我書寫與作者形影
計畫編號- NSC 101-2410-H-134 -051–計畫執行期限-一百零一年度:1010801日至1020731
計畫名稱- Self-Writing and the Arts of the Self---The Wildean Artist/Critic(自我書寫與自我藝術:王爾德的藝術/批評家)
計畫編號- NSC 98-2410-H-134-023-計畫執行期限-九十八年度:980801990731
計畫名稱- Between Symbol and Impression: Oscar Wilde’s Salomé (象徵與印象之間:王爾德的《莎樂美》)
計畫編號- NSC 96-2411-H-231-005-計畫執行期限-九十六年度:960801970731