


1. 申請資格:具國內外英語教學相關博士學位,且能以全英語授課者。國籍不拘。
2. 專長領域:量化研究、語言評量、應用語言學。
3. 請檢具以下紙本及電子檔文件:
 (1) 個人履歷。
 (2) 博士學位證件影本(本國人持國外學歷者須經臺灣駐外使館/代表處認證)。
 (3) 代表著作至多10篇,需附上全文。
 (4) 已發表之著作目錄清單(包含前項代表著作),須依據最新資訊註明論文發表之期刊所收錄之資料庫(例如:SSCI/SCI或TSSCI)以及Impact Factor相關資訊。
 (5) 曾擔任主持人之研究計畫或參與之研究計畫(須註明計畫主持人)清單。擔任主持人之研究計畫須另呈現研究計畫成果之摘要(中文1000字或英文500字以內)。如為參與之研究計畫,須另呈現個人對研究計畫之主要貢獻(中文1000字或英文500字以內)。
 (6) 請檢附曾授課或可授課之課程內容說明。
 (7) 得提供推薦函一至三封(可由推薦人郵寄至「300新竹市南大路521號 國立清華大學南大校區英語教學系」;或寄至本系電子郵件信箱:doei96@my.nthu.edu.tw)。
 (8) 其他助審資料。
4. 其他須知事項:
 (1) 經本系初審通過後,應徵者需至本系面談並進行一場學術演講,旅費等一切費用自理。(面談時間約為111年10月中旬,如人在國外無法親自出席,可改採視訊。)
 (2) 初審不符合資格條件者,諒不另行通知,申請資料概不退還。
5. 起聘時間及職級:最早自112年8月1日起,職級為助理教授(含)以上。
6. 申請期限:收件至111年8月31日止。
7. 投件方式:請檢具上述資料,紙本請郵寄至「300新竹市南大路521號 國立清華大學南大校區英語教學系」,電子檔資料請寄至doei96@my.nthu.edu.tw,信件標題請註明「應徵清大英教系專任教師」。

Faculty Positions Available
Department of English Instruction, National Tsing Hua University

The Department of English Instruction invites applications for a faculty position in quantitative research, language assessment, or applied linguistics. The applicant must hold a PhD degree in the field of TESOL or Applied Linguistics and can conduct lectures in English. Interested candidates are invited to submit the following documents:
 (1) Curriculum Vitae
 (2) A copy of the Ph.D. diploma
 (3) Recent publications with full-text papers (10 papers at most)
 (4) A list of publications, including the database and its impact factors
 (5) A statement of research accomplishments and plans or current research projects (describing each accomplishment or project within 500 words)
 (6) Sample syllabi of courses taught or proposed
 (7) 1-3 letters of recommendation letters
 (8) Supporting documents to the application
1. All application documents will be evaluated by the recruitment committee. Those who meet the initial evaluation will be invited to give a lecture in the department and later an interview will be conducted. An interview via video conferencing is only arranged for those applicants who are not in Taiwan. The interview will be arranged in mid October, 2022. No travel expenses will be provided for the applicants.
2. If the applicant does not meet the initial evaluation standards, no interview will be arranged and notified. All the application documents will not be returned.
3. Expected date for the position: August 1, 2023.
4. Position: Assistant professor and above
5. Applications must be received by August 31, 2022.
6. Please submit applications by post to: Department of English Instruction, National Tsing Hua University, 521, Nanda Rd., East Dist., Hsinchu City 300, Taiwan
 Email all the files to doei96@my.nthu.edu.tw.

聯絡人:英語教學系 蔡小姐
電 話:03-5715131 ext. 76701
Email: doei96@my.nthu.edu.tw

