
羅文杏/Wen-Hsing Luo  副教授


E-mailluo(a)mx.nthu.edu.tw *電子郵件中的 @ 標示已由 (a) 所取代來防止電子郵件機器人
研究室推廣大樓6樓 9608室
專長英語教學 、課程設計、第二語言習得、英語協同教學、教師專業發展
1132 Office hours:13:00-15:00 Tue.


Journal Articles
Luo, W. H. (2024). Bilingual lesson planning in Taiwan: challenges and implications. Education 3-13, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004279.2024.2405028 (ESCI; Scopus-indexed)
Luo, W-H. (2024). Training Needs of In-service Bilingual Teachers: A study of Taiwan. SAGE Open, 14(2), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440241252508 (SSCI; Scopus-indexed)

Luo, W-H. (2024). Promoting Content and English Learning in a Bilingual Curriculum at the Elementary School Level. Education 3-13, 52(3), 391-403. DOI:10.1080/03004279.2022.2099925 (ESCI; Scopus-indexed)

Luo, W-H. (2024). Investigating English Textbooks Used in Taiwanese Senior High Schools from an ELF Perspective. Studies in English Language and Education, 11(1), 168-187. DOI:10.24815/siele.v11i1.30944 (Scopus-indexed)

Luo, W-H. (2023). Analysis of English Textbooks Used in Taiwan: A Perspective of English as a Lingua Franca. Sustainability, 15(5), 4447. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15054447 (SSCI; Scopus-indexed)

羅文杏 (2022)。臺灣雙語教師知能及增能課程規劃。台灣教育評論月刊,(11)812-15http://www.ater.org.tw/journal/article/11-8/topic/03.pdf

Luo, W-H., & Chen, Y-C. (2022). Constructing a teaching capability maturity model for content and language integrated learning teachers in Taiwan. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(8), 1-10. https://doi.org/ 10.1057/s41599-021-00928-1 (AHCI; SSCI)

羅文杏 (2021)。在台灣國小實施雙語教學所面臨的挑戰及教師專業發展之可行建議。教育研究月刊,32178-97DOI:10.3966/168063602021010321006 (THCI)

Luo, W-H. (2018). A Study of Taiwanese University Students’ English Use, Learning Goals and Attitudes toward English as a Lingua Franca. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 8(4), 775-794. https://doi.org/10.14746/ssllt.2018.8.4.4. (SSCI; Scopus-indexed)

Luo, W-H. (2017). A Study of Internationally-published English Textbooks from the Perspective of English as a Lingua Franca Concerning Content and Pedagogy. Journal of Textbook Research, 10(2), 133-159. https://ej.naer.edu.tw/JTR/v10.2/2017-08-jtr-v10n2-133.pdf (TSSCI)

Luo, W-H. (2017). Teacher Perceptions of Teaching and Learning English as a Lingua Franca in the Expanding Circle: A study of Taiwan. English Today, 33(1), 2-11.

DOI:10.1017/S0266078416000146. (AHCI; SSCI)

Luo, W-H. (2014). An Inquiry into a Collaborative Model of Teaching English by Native English-speaking Teachers and Local Teachers. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher,  23(3), 735-743. DOI:10.1007/s40299-013-0147-0. (SSCI).

Luo, W-H. (2014). An Exploration of Professional Development Programs for Teachers of Collaborative Teaching of EFL in Taiwan-- a case study. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 23(3), 403-412. DOI:10.1007/s40299-013-0115-8. (SSCI)

Book Chapters

羅文杏*、林宇軒、許芊惠、張淑幸 (2022) 全球在地化臺灣雙語教學課程設計。載於鄒文莉、黃怡萍(主編)臺灣雙語教學資源書­--全球在地化課程設計與教學實踐 (53-77)。臺北:書林出版社。(*第一及通訊作者)

黃怡萍、羅文杏 (2018)。CLIL在視覺藝術領域的運用。載於鄒文莉、高實玫(主編)CLIL 教學資源書--探索學科內容與語言整合教學 (137-151)。臺北:書林出版社。

羅文杏*、簡靜雯(2018)。CLIL在綜合活動領域的運用。載於鄒文莉、高實玫(主編)CLIL 教學資源書--探索學科內容與語言整合教學 (153-168)。臺北:書林出版社。(*第一及通訊作者)

Conference Papers

Luo, W-H. (2023). Training Needs of Taiwanese In-Service Bilingual Teachers. Paper presented at the XXI Bulgarian Comparative Educational Society (BCES) Annual International Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 27-30, 2023.

Luo, W-H. (2019). Combining CLIL and NESTs in Promoting English Learning-- Implications and Challenges. Paper presented at the 19th Biennial Conference of International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching, Sibiu, Romania, July 1-5, 2019.

Luo, W-H. (2018). Developing Language for Teaching by Pre-service English Teachers at the Elementary Level in Taiwan. Paper presented as part of an invited colloquium, Developing Professional Knowledge in Pre-service Teachers at the Elementary Level in Taiwan, at 2018 International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, Taiwan, May 18-19, 2018.

Luo, W-H. (2017). An Exploration of CLIL in Integrative Activities Classes at an Elementary School in Hsinchu County. Paper presented at Conference on Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for Primary Education, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, November 18-19, 2017.

Luo, W-H. (2017). Teaching College English Course in Taiwan with an ELF Perspective. Poster session presented at the TESOL 2017 International Convention, Seattle, U.S.A. March 21-24, 2017.

Luo, W-H. (2017). Taiwanese Learner’s English Use, Learning Aims and Attitudes toward English as a Lingua Franca. Roundtable session presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistics 2017 Conference, Portland, U.S.A. March 18-21, 2017.

Luo, W-H. (2015). Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives on Teaching and Learning of ELF. Poster session presented at TESOL 49th Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada, March 25-8, 2015.

Luo, W-H. (2015). Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives on Teaching and Learning of English as Lingua Franca: A study of Taiwan. Poster session presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistics 2015 Conference, Toronto, Canada, March 21-24, 2015. 

Luo, W-H. (2014). Taiwanese Students’ Perceptions of English as a Lingua Franca in Relation to English Learning. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca, Athens, Greece, September 4-6, 2014.  

Funded Research Projects

Funded by National Tsing Hua University:

Luo, W-H. (2017 Fall). An Inquiry into the Modes of Classroom Discourse in EMI Classes in Relation to the Learning of Subject Content (探討全英語授課之課室言談模式對學科學習之影響)

Funded by National Hsinchu University of Education:

Luo, W-H. (2016 Spring). A Study of Incorporating an ELF Perspective in English Listening Courses (英語為全球共通語觀點融入於英語聽力訓練課程之教學研究)

Luo, W-H. (2015 Fall). An Inquiry into Teaching and Learning English as a Lingua Franca in Freshman English Course (探討以英語為全球共通語概念在大一英文教學之可行性)

Funded by the Ministry of Education, R.O.C.:


Funded by the National Science and Technology Council (the former Ministry of Science and Technology), R.O.C.:

Luo, W-H. (2024-2025). An inquiry into the English learning content and implementation of

bilingual education in Taiwan from a perspective of glocalization. Funded by National Science and Technology Council, R.O.C. (NSTC-113-2410-H-007-046)

Luo, W-H. (2022-2023). An inquiry into English textbooks used in senior high schools in

Taiwan from the perspective of glocalization concerning content and pedagogy. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C. (MOST -111-2410-H-007 -038)

Luo, W-H. (2020-2021). CLIL Teacher Education in Taiwan: A framework for professional

development of in-service teachers of CLIL concerning training needs. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C. (MOST 109-2410-H-007-076)      

Luo, W-H. (2019-2020). An Inquiry into a Framework for CLIL Teacher Education (I): A study of Taiwan. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C. (MOST 108-2410-H-007-047)

Luo, W-H. (2018-2019). Content Analysis of English Textbooks Used in Junior and Senior

High Schools in Taiwan with Regard to the Twelve-Year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines of English: An ELF perspective. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C. (MOST 107-2410-H-007-051)

Luo, W-H. (2014-2015). An Inquiry into Teaching English as a Lingua Franca in Asia (II): A longitudinal study. Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C. (MOST 103-2410-H-134-001)

Luo, W-H. (2013-2014). An Inquiry into Teaching English as a Lingua Franca in Asia: A longitudinal study. Funded by the National Science Council, R.O.C. (NSC 102-2410-H-134-010)

