
黃漢君/Han-Chun Huang  副教授

E-mail:hanchun(a)mx.nthu.edu.tw *電子郵件中的 @ 標示已由 (a) 所取代來防止電子郵件機器人
研究室推廣教育大樓 9610室
1131Office hours:13:00-15:00, Wed.


Journal Papers
Huang, Han-Chun. (Accepted). "Relating Causative and Passive Bun Constructions in Hakka." Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies [清華學報].(THCI Core) (NSC 99-2410-H-134-028-)
Huang, Han-Chun. 2014.Semantic Extensions and the Convergence of the Beneficiary Role: A Case Study of Bun and Lau in Hakka. Concentric: Studies in Linguistics[同心圓:語言學研究] 40.1: 65-94. (THCI Core) (NSC 100-2410-H-134-014- / NSC 101-2410-H-134-046-)[DOWNLOAD]
Huang, Han-Chun. 2012a. Dative constructions in Hakka: A constructional perspective [從構式語法看客語給予句式]. Hakka Studies[客家研究] 5.1: 39-72. (NSC 99-2410-H-134-028-)
Huang, Han-Chun. 2012.Psych predicates and causation in Hakka: A constructional approach. Chinese Studies (漢學研究) 30.1: 309-340. (THCI Core) (NSC 98-2410-H-134-030-)
Huang, Han-Chun. 2007. On the Kind Reading of LangHuman Being in Taiwan Southern Min. Studies in  Chinese Linguistics 23: 41-50.
Huang, Han-Chun and Chinfa Lien. 2007. Demonstratives in the Wanli Version of Lizhi Ji. Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies New Series 37.2: 561-577.

Working Papers
Huang, Han-Chun. 2007. Argument Realization of Chinese Result and Phase Complements. UTA Working Papers in Linguistics 2006-2007: 67-89.
Huang, Han-Chun. 2006. A Constructional Approach to Argument Realization of Chinese Resultatives. UST Working Papers in Linguistics 2: 13-31.
Huang, Han-Chun. 2005. Lang as a Strong Kind Operator in Taiwanese. UST Working Papers in Linguistics 1: 119-130.

Conference Papers
Huang, Han-Chun. (Forthcoming). "Classification of passives in Hakka." The 16th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS2014). Saitama, Japan. June 28-29, 2014.
Huang, Han-Chun. 2013a. "Linking causative senses among bun-related constructions in Hakka [客語「分」字相關構式之使動意連結]." Mini-workshop on Hakka Syntax and Semantics [客語語法語意小型工作坊]. Taipei, Taiwan. September 4, 2013.
Huang, Han-Chun. 2013b. The limit of classification: A family of bun constructions in Hakka [構式分類的侷限:以客語「分」構式為例]. First Conference on Taiwan Hakka Language and Language Teaching [第一屆台灣客家語言及其教學研討會]. Hsinchu, Taiwan. May 18, 2013.
Huang, Han-Chun and Jui-chuan Yeh. 2013. "Relations among beneficiary sub-constructions of bun in Hakka [客語「分」字受惠者次構式之間的連結關係]." The 63rd Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan [日本中国語学会第63回全国大会]. Tokyo, Japan. October 26-27, 2013. (NSC 102-2410-H-134-004-) [DOWNLOAD]
Yeh, Jui-chuan and Han-Chun Huang. 2013a. "An Investigation of bun...lau construction in Hakka [客語「分…摎」構式之探討]." The 63rd Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan [日本中国語学会第63回全国大会]. Tokyo, Japan. October 26-27, 2013.
Yeh, Jui-chuan and Han-Chun Huang. 2013b. The locative inversion construction in Hakka. The 21st Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL) [國際中國語言學學會第二十一屆年會]. Taipei, Taiwan. June 7-9, 2013.
Huang, Han-Chun and Jui-chuan Yeh. (to appear). Division of labor of Hakka bun and lau in the beneficiary role [客語「分」與「摎」在受惠者角色上的分工]. The 62nd Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan. Kyoto, Japan. October 27-28, 2012. (NSC 101-2410-H-134-046-)
Huang, Han-Chun. 2011.Caused-motion and interpersonal constructions: The many faces of ka. NSC-ANR Workshop on Reflections of Diachronic Change Mirrored in Early Southern Min Texts. Hsinchu, Taiwan. November 26-27, 2011.
Huang, Han-Chun, Jui-chuan Yeh, and Chun Chang. 2011.Semantic roles marked by lau in Hakka: A perspective from caused-motion and interpersonal constructions. The 61st Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan. Matsuyama, Japan. October 29-30, 2011. (NSC 100-2410-H-134-014-)
Huang, Han-Chun. 2010. Linking of Hakka Dative and Purpose Clauses in Construction Grammar [客語給予句與目的句在構式語法中的連結關係]. The 60th Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan. Yokohama, Japan. November 13-14, 2010.NSC 98-2410-H-134-030
Yeh, Jui-chuan and Han-Chun Huang 2010. A Preliminary Study on the Double Unaccusative Construction in Hakka. The 6th International Conference of Construction Grammar. Prague, Czech Republic. September 3-5, 2010.NSC 99-2410-H-134-028
Huang, Han-Chun. 2009a. Psych/Evaluative Predicates: Their Morphology and Syntax in Mandarin and Hakka. Mini-Workshop on Interaction of Lexical Semantics and Constructions. Taipei, Taiwan. November 14, 2009.
Huang, Han-Chun. 2009b. On Conceptual Structure and Argument Realization of Hakka Psych Predicates [論客語心理謂語的概念結構及論元體現]. The 59th Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan. Sapporo, Japan. October 24-25, 2009.NSC 98-2410-H-134-030
Huang, Han-Chun. 2009c. Causation of Experiencer-Subject Psych Predicates in Hakka. International Symposium on Chinese Syntax and Semantics. Hsinchu, Taiwan. August 22-25, 2009.
Huang, Han-Chun. 2009d. Two Types of Causative Psych Constructions in Hakka. The 17th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics. Paris, France. July 2-4, 2009.
Huang, Han-Chun. 2008a. Syntax and Polysemy of Chinese V-si Construction [漢語「V-死」結構的句法與語意多樣性]. The 58th Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan. Kyoto, Japan. October 25-26, 2008.
Huang, Han-Chun. 2008b. 1,000 Ways to Die: Resultative V-si in Mandarin Chinese. Fifth International Conference on Construction Grammar. Austin, Texas. September 26-28, 2008.
Huang, Han-Chun. 2007a. Alternations and Inheritance in Chinese Idiomatic Resultative Constructions. The First Conference on Language, Discourse and Cognition. Taipei, Taiwan. May 18-19, 2007.
Huang, Han-Chun. 2007b. Constructional Inheritance: A Case Study of Chinese Resultative Constructions. The Rice Linguistics Society Workshop. Houston, Texas. February 3-4, 2007.
Huang, Han-Chun. 2006a. Argument Realization of Chinese Result Complements and Phase Complements. The 14th Annual UTA Student Conference in Linguistics and TESOL 2006. Arlington, Texas. November 2-3, 2006.
Huang, Han-Chun. 2006b. Chinese Resultative Constructions: Toward a Usage-Based Model. Linguistic Society of Korea Seoul International Conference on Linguistics. Seoul, Korea. July 24-26, 2006.
Huang, Han-Chun. 2006c. A Constructional Approach to Argument Realization of Chinese Resultatives. 2006 Student Workshop on East Asian Linguistics. Hsinchu, Taiwan. July 20-21, 2006.

Invited Talks
數位資料:Word零煩惱. iData 2009:語料及資料整理演講, hosted by Student Committee, Linguistics Society of Taiwan. Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, October 9, 2009.
“Style, Consistency, and Automation: Managing Numbers in Research Papers”. Ling-Talk@NTHU. Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, March 20, 2009.

Thesis & Dissertation
Huang, Han-Chun. 2008. Resultative Verb Compounds in Mandarin Chinese: A Constructional Approach. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Hsinchu: National Tsing Hua University.
Huang, Han-Chun. 1998. Lexical Polysemy and Sense Extension in Verbs of Movement in Taiwanese Southern Min. Unpublished master’s thesis. Hsinchu: National Tsing Hua University.

Funded Research Projects
2013-2014. Connections of Bun Constructions in Hakka and Causativity [客語「分」字構式與使動性的關聯], funded by National Science Council, Taiwan. 計書編號:NSC 102-2410-H-134-004,補助金顏:新台幣487,000元
2012-2013. 客語受惠者與其相關句式的探討. 國科會研究計畫. 計畫編號:NSC 101-2410-H-134-046-,補助金額:新台幣488,000
2011-2012:縱橫式語法看客語目的句式 . 國科會研究計畫. 計畫編號:NSC 100-2410-H-134 -014-,補助金額:新台幣500,000
2010-2011. Indirect Imperatives, Causatives, Permissives, and Passives in Hakka: Interaction of Lexicon and Constructions [客語的使役、允讓、致使與被動:詞彙與構式的互動]. Funded by National Science Council, Taiwan (NSC 99-2410-H-134-028). NTD 511,00.
2009-2010. Argument Realization of Hakka Psychological Predicates [客語心理謂語的論元體現]. Funded by National Science Council, Taiwan (NSC 98-2410-H-017-014 / NSC 98-2410-H134-030). NTD 477,000.

2010. Reviewer, National Conference on Linguistics (NCL-2010) 
2010. Reviewer, Concentric: Studies in Linguistics
2010. Reviewer, Student Workshop on East Asian Linguistics (SWEAL-2010)
2009. Reviewer, Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies
2009. Reviewer, 2010 International Conference of Applied Linguistics 

2008. Reviewer, UST Working Papers in Linguistics
